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Inspiring Creative Thinking: Jessica Barry

David Bowman
David Bowman
BY: David Bowman ON January 31, 2013

Jessica Barry

Jessica Barry:

Episode 3 of Inspiring Creative Thinking features a conversation with Jessica Barry, President and Creative Director at The School of Advertising Art in Kettering, Ohio.  Jessica is an incredibly creative person, a community leader, and a leader in the world of developing creating thinkers.  Jessica generously shares her insights on why creativity matters, how to overcome creative challenges through process, and the importance of being more creative in all areas of your life.  Thanks from me and everyone at The Ohlmann Group to Jessica for sharing her creative thoughts and valuable time with us and the world.

Listen, enjoy and share!

About the Inspiring Creative Thinking Podcast:

Inspiring Creative Thinking is a podcast series produced by The Ohlmann Group, a marketing communications firm that specializes in helping clients to create the future. The podcast features short interviews with creative thinkers – authors, artists, bankers, business people, musicians, medical professionals, lawyers, entrepreneurs, and more. In each podcast, the guest will be asked a similar set of questions about the importance of creativity, their approach to the creative process, and where and how they find creative inspiration. By doing this, we hope to reveal some universal truths about creativity, uncover unique approaches to the creative process, and offer insight into what makes creative thinkers tick.

Why are we doing this? Here are a few reasons. We are nerds who love to create. We always aspire to be better at what we do. We think that the world is a better place when it is filled with creativity. We are curious about creativity, and we believe in sharing what we learn. Learning more about creativity allows us to better serve our clients and have more fun doing what we do. It’s fun.

We hope you listen, learn, enjoy, and subscribe to the itunes podcast feed, share the podcast with others, and get inspired to do something creative.

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