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9-11-2013: America Remembers

ON September 11, 2013

The seed of creativity grows strongest when rooted in free soil. Today we remember those who have passed, those who have defended America, and the indefatigable optimism and unity that make our nation the greatest in human history. Those who came before us nurtured the USA into a beautiful blossoming tree. We embrace the opportunity to faithfully tend its garden and preserve it for future generations.

Below are three images. The first two are from our own Kim Gros who is currently on vacation in Myrtle Beach. Her photos remind us of our oneness and show that the events of 9/11/2001 have not faded from the American consciousness. The final image, which circulated on a number of social media sites yesterday, captures the Manhattan skyline on 9/10/2001. It reminds us of the precious mystery of life, the complex relationship between indescribable sadness and undeterrable hope, and our solemn duty to preserve the United States of America (through trial and tragedy) for a million-million tomorrows.

Those who were lost live on through us; may our actions be worthy of their grace.

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