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Why Marketers Need to Embrace AI to Stay Ahead in Online Search

BY: ON September 19, 2024

Artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping the landscape of online search, and marketers need to stay ahead of the curve. With AI-driven algorithms, search engines— including Google—are becoming smarter, offering users more personalized and relevant results. This evolution is particularly important for marketers, as it changes how content is ranked and discovered online.


OpenAI has announced it will bring a search engine to ChatGPT, and some 10,000 users are reportedly testing out the prototype. Reviewers say SearchGPT delivers in-depth, well-cited answers, and, like ChatGPT, it responds well to follow-up questions. 

SearchGPT, which is expected to be subscription-based, likely won’t include ads, which are a massive moneymaker for Google and an important tool for many digital marketers. 

Illusions of Fact

Both Google’s AI search and SearchGPT have had hallucinations, which occur when a chatbot delivers false or misleading information. Like any search result, information in AI search results can be outdated, or even inaccurate. Users need to double-check dates and important facts with other sources and sourced websites.

The (Not-So) New Search Strategy: Quality Over Quantity

AI technologies, such as natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning, enable search engines to understand context, intent, and even the nuances of user queries. This means that traditional SEO strategies focused solely on keyword rankings are no longer sufficient. 

Bottom line: Content is still king, but quality reigns. Marketers must ensure the content they create is high-quality, engaging, and, most importantly, helpful. Focus on answering users’ questions and aligning with their search intent. 

Optimizing Search Content for Evolving Formats

As search experiences like voice search and visual search gain popularity, marketers can optimize their content for these formats by focusing on conversational keywords and using rich media with descriptive alt text, captions, and transcriptions. Many of these search optimization strategies are also best practices for creating accessible content, resulting in an improved user experience for everyone. 

AI Search is Coming. Are You Ready?

In this rapidly changing environment, staying informed about AI advancements in online search is crucial. By embracing these technologies and adapting their strategies, marketers can ensure their content remains visible and relevant, driving better engagement and conversions. 

AI isn’t just the future of search—it’s the present, and it’s transforming how marketers connect with their audiences. Ohlmann Group can help you create the smart content needed for tomorrow’s search engines. Contact us today, and let’s talk about your search strategy.

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