Over the last 20 years, I’ve had the opportunity to work on some very unique, exciting projects. One of those projects involved purchasing turf sod from Southern California and having it delivered to our fulfillment house here in Dayton, Ohio in the dead of winter for a direct mail promotion. I also coordinated the purchase of golf balls from famous golf courses in England, Ireland, Scotland, and custom-made cases to display the golf balls. Yet a couple of other projects involved coordination of “empty” wine bottles for a “Message in a Bottle” direct mail program and a taste test of yellow Jelly Bellies to go in a large glass light bulb container for a “Power Source” direct mail campaign.
So much has changed over the last 20 years. When I joined The Ohlmann Group in 1994 as Print Production Manager, one of the latest technologies at that time was the transporting of art files to our print vendors on a “SyQuest disk.” Courier services were very involved in the back-and-forth delivery of the disks and mechanical proofs. In today’s technology an art file may be shared via “drop box” and most proofs are viewed via vendor portal or email. Oh, how times have changed!
Many things have changed, but there are TWO things that have stayed constant – talented creative people that I have the opportunity to work with every day and the ample supply of chocolate treats here at The Ohlmann Group.