Work Omega CDC, The Hope Center for Families

Lighting the Path to Hope

An initiative of Omega Community Development Corporation (CDC), The Hope Center for Families is a community resource that empowers low-income families and individuals in the Dayton region to become, and remain, self-sufficient. On the cusp of the opening of this important new facility, Omega CDC needed to reach a multitude of audiences with the good news. The organization is both well-known and highly respected in the community, but Omega CDC had never embarked on a widespread campaign like this before. Ohlmann Group’s dynamic creative team, powerful public relations team, and savvy marketing strategy experts were the perfect group to light the way.

Connecting Community

The Hope Center for Families was poised to provide transformative services to combat poverty in one of Dayton’s underserved communities, but in order make the greatest possible impact, Omega CDC needed help identifying appropriate audiences, crafting the right message, and developing a strategy for connecting the two. Ohlmann Group began by creating a marketing plan that identified key stakeholders and families in the Hope Center’s service area, and compiled the right avenues for reaching those audiences.

The Rise of Hope on the Horizon

In the months leading up to the big opening, Ohlmann Group launched a campaign to grow anticipation for the new center. Our public relations experts earned interviews on local radio and television stations, and news stories in key print and online publications to reach the right community audiences with the good news. In addition, Ohlmann’s media team placed the message on billboards, lawn signs, in print, and in digital and social ads. Ohlmann Group also assisted with the opening event, securing media coverage, and managing a virtual component to allow involvement for individuals who couldn’t attend in person. Just after the grand opening, the campaign messaging transitioned with a goal of growing engagement.

One Shining Day; A Brilliant Future

Community leaders, stakeholders, partners, and community members celebrated the official launch of The Hope Center for Families, inspired by the collaboration and dedication to combatting poverty for the people of Northwest Dayton. The Ohlmann Group-created campaign generated electricity throughout the community and built anticipation and optimism for the future. As a result, the affected neighborhood was included in the conversation about the new center, and individuals and families were immediately welcomed in the doors at the new Hope Center for Families.

When planning the opening of the Hope Center for Families, we knew that we needed a marketing strategy that would ensure that the greater Dayton community would be informed and present. Ohlmann Group did just that!

Vanessa Ward - Omega Community Development Corporation