We’re pleased to announce that Recovery Centers of America, the fastest growing addiction treatment provider in the United States – recently selected The Ohlmann Group as its media buying partner!
Recovery Centers of America is opening neighborhood-based addiction recovery centers designed to keep those addicted to drugs and alcohol close to those who love and support them throughout recovery. With five-star facilities that make treatment both affordable and accessible, the company treats patients with the highest standard of care through evidence-based practices. On arrival, new patients meet a team of clinical experts dedicated to their care. Each expert is specially trained to formulate a personalized care plan that sets patients on the optimal path towards recovery.
Our media team will be responsible for selecting, placing, and consulting on media for the Recovery Centers of America’s Boston, Philadelphia, and Baltimore markets.
Recovery Centers of America is focused on expansion with a stated mission to save over one million lives by helping people overcome addiction to heroin, opioids, and alcohol. Our whole team feels privileged to work with yet another client that’s doing an incredible amount of good in the world.
“Addiction is a disease, not a personal failure,” said Rich Smith,Chief Marketing Officer for Recovery Centers of America, “We need an agency with a deep understanding of media placement to reach the families and loved ones of those struggling with addiction and help us get them into treatment and meaningful, life-long recovery. The Ohlmann Group has already worked with us to develop new and innovative media partnerships that will help us reach and save more lives.”
Do you are someone you love need help? Reach out to them at 1-800-RECOVERY.