Is your content marketing up to date? In this fast-paced digital world, we can often get into the habit of churning out content each week and forgetting about the potential impact of our past work.
For example, you may have a blog post on your website that performed exceptionally well. Maybe it helped your website leap up a few keyword rankings on Google, or attracted dozens of fans on Twitter. The only problem is, your post is several years old and desperately needs a refresh.
Updating older content can be a simple and effective way to reach more people, whether your goal is to increase website traffic, move up Google’s rankings, or simply engage with people on social media. Here are five thoughtful ways to breathe new life into dated content.
Is there a blog post on your site that could use a little TLC? Don’t be afraid to comb through the post and update spelling or grammar mistakes, fix broken links, change the title, or add additional content. You can even optimize the post for a more relevant keyword. Once you’re done giving your dated content a makeover, republish it, change the date, and promote it like a new post! You can easily give your older posts a new life with minimal effort.
Do you have a stellar blog post that didn’t get as much attention as it deserved? Consider repurposing your article into a more visual-friendly format, such as an infographic or short video. Alternately, if you have a long video on your site that could be simplified into a text-based article, give it a try! By using content that you’ve already created, you can minimize your effort while still producing fresh content. Try experimenting with different formats and platforms to learn what resonates best with your unique audience.
If you share a weekly or monthly newsletter, consider including a few favorite blog posts along with company updates. Reframe your longer articles into snackable bits of content with a link to the full post. Your readers may be more compelled to click if the information is presented in a unique and digestible format.
Do you ever struggle to find ideas to write about? You’re not alone. If you’re strapped for ideas, try scrolling through your older content for inspiration. You may find an article that needs a follow-up post based on changes in the industry, or maybe you can create a series of posts based on an original article. Either way, don’t be afraid to give your older content a second look!
If you have a few excellent articles that can easily be merged into a cohesive lesson, consider compiling your content into a podcast, e-book, or webinar. Especially if you have valuable advice to share with your audience, these formats can help spread your ideas and raise awareness about your brand.
Don’t let your hard work go to waste! Follow these five tips to start thoughtfully and creatively repurposing your content. As always, if you’d like to give your website a refresh and engage your audience with content marketing, give us a call.