By Randy Tucker (Staff Writer)
The Ohlmann Group says move reflects focus on new media.
Local marketing communications firm Penny/Ohlmann/Neiman Inc. has changed its name to coincide with a major expansion and new business strategy.
The new moniker, the Ohlmann Group, reflects a more team-oriented approach to marketing that includes a new focus on Web-based promotions, said David Bowman, chief marketing strategist.
“This is the fourth time in 62 years that we’ve changed our name, and those name changes have always reflected the direction of the company,” Bowman said. “The new name change reflects our focus on new media.”
Changes also include a new logo. The new “O” design, in part, symbolizes creativity and infinite possibilities, the company said.
“We really want to transform the way the world looks at Dayton,” Bowman said.
In addition to changing its name and logo, the North Main Street firm has hired a handful of new executives in strategic marketing, public relations and interactive design.
While their focus will be on new media strategies, Bowman said, the company will continue to serve its local and national customers with traditional radio, TV and newspaper marketing.
The company was founded in 1949 by Bob Penny and his wife, Jean, and was originally known as Penny and Penny Advertising.
The name changed to Penny/Ohlmann, Inc. when Walter Ohlmann joined the firm in 1964, adding marketing and public relation services. Ohlmann was followed by designer Ralph Neiman in 1969, and the firm was renamed Penny/Ohlmann/Neiman Inc.